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ATSEP OJTI and Assessor

£ 0

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ATSEP OJTI and Assessor

£ 0

ATSEP OJTI and Assessor

Course aim
The course aim is to impart the ATSEP training instructor with knowledge and tools to be able to perform as an OJT instructor and coach in the OJT phase on practical exercises on equipment (standby or real equipment or special equipment for development and training purposes).

To provide the required knowledge and skills concerning competence assessment of colleagues and/or students in the operational environment. Furthermore, to understand and appreciate the beneficial impact competence assessment has on safety as well as development of the unit and the individual.

Additional focus is also given to the students with different tools to choose from and to use in their role as ATSEP OJTI, both in the classroom as instructors but also in the operational working environment. This gives the OJTI / Assessor different learning tools and exercises to choose from for different situations and students.

Qualification as an Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel - ATSEP.

-After successful completion of the course, the student has:
-Knowledge, skills and understanding in accordance with the specified training objectives as described in Detailed Training Plan
-Knowledge about how to apply best practices in teaching techniques and coaching
-An understanding of the safety precautions to take before teaching practical training on equipment. Knowledge of the learning processes, cognitive aspects and motivation theories
-An understanding of effective verbal communication, non-verbal communication and effective listening skills
-An understanding of the importance of personal interaction, personal styles and attitudes, building positive relationships, the influence of recognition, interpersonal conflict
-Knowledge of training practices such as briefing a student, monitoring the student’s progress, intervention methods, feedback and debriefing
-Knowledge of how to build practical exercises and sessions dealing directly with equipment, measurement technique, etc
-An understanding of progressive application of coaching theory with feedback
-Knowledge of how to act as competence assessors in the operational environment
-Knowledge of the role as competence assessor
-Knowledge of the requirements for competence assessors
-Knowledge of the operational competence assessment scheme
-Knowledge of how to objectively measure operational competence
-Knowledge of probable actions to take when there is competence in doubt
-Knowledge of the responsibilities of the assessor
-Knowledge of appropriate and effective communication concerning assessment